The Tribe Concepts

About the Brand: The Tribe Concept is a clean beauty brand founded by women and run by women. They are doing their bit to empower women by giving support to women at all levels - from handpicking the ingredients to shape up a product, women have been a quintessential part of the journey. Treat you hair to a line-up of pure, ayurvedic, results-driven, hair care formulated by vegan and natural ingredients handpicked from the Indian soil. 
Where the ingredients come from: Bringing you haircare straight from the Tribal Forests of India. These products are made from ingredients picked up from the fertile, pesticide-free soils of the Godavari Belt, sourced in a pollution-free environment! They are formulated and made up of pure organic extracts of plants and roots. The Tribe Concept practices sustainable sourcing of ingredients from Girijan corporations and local farmers.